Saturday, January 3, 2009

Closet Organizers

Organizing your closet is a task that sounds like it should be simple, but all too often is not. Take these top tips from the experts at Calgary Custom Closets to help you work your closet space to your best advantage.

1. Show it off!
Show off your neat organization — don’t hide it. Don’t put folded items in drawers – place them on shelves, where they can be seen. Chances are, if you can see it, you will use it.

2. Divide and Conquer.
Use drawer dividers to keep small items such as socks, lingerie or jewelry neatly organized, separate, and distinct in drawers while expanding space.

3. Hook, Line and Sinker.
Use hooks to store robes, night gowns and “around the house clothing.” Hooks can also be used in entries and mudrooms to organize children’s coats and backpacks.

4. The Off-Season Switch.
Store off-season clothing on high shelves or in another space if possible. Switching clothes with seasons also helps you to analyze what you have so you can purge those items you no longer require.

5. Fine Tune.
Adjustable closet systems allow placement of the rods and shelves so that there’s no wasted space. Place rods twelve inches from the back wall to provide hangers with at least 2 inches of clearance. Place shelves no more than twelve inches apart.

6. Take my hangers, please!
Get rid of empty hangers; they waste valuable space. If you know you will need some spares, place empty hangers in a basket at the bottom of the closet. Return wire hangers to the dry cleaner for re-use.

7. What’s your Hang-Up?
Choosing the right hanger can make a big difference. Wire hangers get easily tangled. Wood or sturdy plastic hangers are neater and help you retain the shape of your clothes.

8. Get labeled!
Label boxes with contents listed, or better yet, attach a photo of what’s inside.

9. Time to purge!
Get in the habit of purging on a regular basis — preferably at least twice per year, with the change of seasons (as mentioned in Tip 5). A great way to purge hanging items is to place all hangers with the hook facing out. As you use items, place them back with the hook facing in. At the change of the season, take a look at the items with the hook facing out and decide whether you still need them.

10. To Hang or to Fold — That is the Question!
This depends on a few important factors: fabric, design, use. Always hang items which are prone to wrinkles or delicate fabrics that crush easily. Fold items such as knitwear, sweaters, t-shirts and active wear. This will prevent them from losing their shape.

11. Colour Your World.
Grouping clothes by colour is as attractive as it is helpful. Colour-coding makes getting dressed in the morning quicker and easier; it also shows if your wardrobe is out of balance so you can shop more wisely.

12. Live, Love, Laugh.
Create a more enjoyable living space in the bedroom. Remove storage furniture such as a dresser or chest of drawers and place drawers in the closet. Now perhaps you can create a comfortable reading corner in the bedroom, maybe even with a romantic chaise lounge. Sit back and enjoy your little oasis of relaxation.

13. Look Beautiful on the Inside.
Incorporate a jewelry drawer into your closet. Our velvet lined jewelry organizers keep rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings separated, making them easy to locate, while protecting their delicate finish.

14. Display Your Shoe Fetish.
Did you know the average woman owns 40 pairs of shoes? It’s true! Organize your collection with adjustable shelves to allow for differing shoe styles and height profiles.

15. Unleash Your Inner Neat Freak.
Use shelf dividers to keep handbags organized. Some leftover dry cleaner bags inserted in soft-sided purses will help them stand upright and hold their shape.

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